fable - tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10)
face - sefahleho (s.7) difahleho (pl.8)
faeces - thete
faeces (vulgar) - masepa
faint (cause to ...) (v.) - sarela
faint (v.) - akgeha
faith - bodumedi
faith - tumelo
faithful - tshepahala
fall (season) - hwetla
fall (v.) - wa
fall in love - ho ratana
fall into (v.) - wela
fall pregnant - emara
fall pregnant - ima
fall pregnant - ithwala
family - lelapa (s.5) malapa (pl.6)
famine - tlala
far - hole
farm - polasi (s.9)
farm (on/at the ...) - polasing
farmer (head of farm) - rapolasi (s.1) borapolasi (pl.2)
farmer (person that ploughs) - molemi (s.1) balemi (pl.2)
fashion (<Eng) - feshene (s.9) difeshene (pl.10)
fasten (v.) - fasa
fat - lefura (s.5) mafura (pl.6)
fat (become ...) (v.) - nona
fat (is ...) (v.) - nonne
father - ntate (s.1) bontate (pl.2)
father (his ...) - ntatae
father (your ...) - ntatao
father-in-law - matsale (s.1) bomatsale (pl.2)
father-in-law (of a man) - mohwe (s.1) bahwe (pl.2)
fault - molato (s.3) melato (pl.4)
fault - phoso (s.9) diphoso (pl.10)
favour (v.) - kgetha
fear (n.) - letswalo (s.5) matswalo (pl.6)
fear (v.) - tshaba
feast - mokete (s.3) mekete (pl.4)
feather duster - tasetare ya masiba
February - Hlakola
fed (be) (v.) - fepjwa
feed (v.) - fepa
feed oneself (v.) - iphepa
feed oneself (v.) - itjesa
feel (v.) - utlwa
feeling - boikutlo (s.14) maikutlo (pl.6)
feign - etsa eka
feign - iketsisa
female (01) (adj.) - e motshehadi
female (02) (adj.) - ba batshehadi
female (03) (adj.) - o motshehadi
female (04) (adj.) - e metshehadi
female (05) (adj.) - le letshehadi
female (06) (adj.) - a matshehadi
female (07) (adj.) - se setshehadi
female (08) (adj.) - tse tshehadi
female (09) (adj.) - e tshehadi
female (10) (adj.) - tse tshehadi
female (14) (adj.) - bo botshehadi
female circumcision - lebollo la basadi
female servant - lekgabunyane (s.5) makgabunyane (pl.6)
feminine (01) (adj.) - e motshehadi
feminine (02) (adj.) - ba batshehadi
feminine (03) (adj.) - o motshehadi
feminine (04) (adj.) - e metshehadi
feminine (05) (adj.) - le letshehadi
feminine (06) (adj.) - a matshehadi
feminine (07) (adj.) - se setshehadi
feminine (08) (adj.) - tse tshehadi
feminine (09) (adj.) - e tshehadi
feminine (10) (adj.) - tse tshehadi
feminine (14) (adj.) - bo botshehadi
femininity - bosadi (14)
fence - terata (s.9) diterata (pl.10)
fence of reeds - seotlwana (s.7) diotlwana (pl.8)
fertilizer - monontsha (s.3) menontsha (pl.4)
fesitval - mokete (s.3) mekete (pl.4)
fetch (v.) - lata
fetus - lehlwele
fever - feberu
field - tshimo (s.9) masimo (pl.6)
fieldmouse - tadi (s.9) ditadi (pl.10)
fierce (be ...) (v.) - pala
fifteen - leshome le metso e mehlano
fifth - bohlano
fifty - mashome a mahlano
fig - feiye (s.9) difeiye (pl.10)
file - faele (s.9) difaele (pl.10)
file (of people) - mokoloko (s.3) mekoloko (pl.4)
fill (v.) - tlatsa
filled (be ...) (v.) - kgotshe
filled (become ...) (v.) - kgora
finch - thaha (s.9) dithaha (pl.10)
find (v.) - fumana
fine (adj.) - kgabane
fine (adv.) - hantle
finger - monwana (s.3) menwana (pl.4)
finger nail - lenala (s.5) manala (pl.6)
finish (v.) - phetha
finish (v.) - qeta
finished (be ...) (v.) - fedile
finished (become ...) (v.) - fela
fire (n.) - mollo (s.4) mello (pl.5)
fire a gun (v.) - thunya
fire alarm - alamo ya mollo
fire arm - sethunya (s.7) dithunya (pl.8)
fire extinguisher - setimamollo
fireplace (traditional) - mokgoro (s.3) mekgoro (pl.4)
first - pele
first aid - thuso ya pele
fish - hlapi (s.9) dihlapi (pl.10)
fish - tlhapi (s.9) ditlhapi (pl.10)
fist - setebele
five - hlano
flame - lelakabe (s.5) malakabe (pl.6)
flame (great ...) - tetema (s.9) ditetema (pl.10)
flat (adj.) - sephara
flat (n.) - folete (s.9) difolete (pl.10)
flat-roofed house - polata (s.9) dipolata (pl.10)
flatter (v.) - qekisa
flattered (become ...) (v.) - ho ya le kgongwana hodimo
flee (v.) - baleha
flee to (v.) - balehela
flee towards (v.) - balehela
flirt (v.) - bonya
float (v.) - sesa
flood - sekgohola
floods - morwallo
floor - foluru (s.9) difoluru (pl.10)
flour - folouru (s.9) difolouru (pl.10)
flow (v.) - phalla
flower - palesa (s.9) dipalesa (pl.10)
fly (n.) - ntsintsi (s.9) dintsintsi (pl.10)
fly (v.) - fofa
flying squad (<Eng) - folaye sekwate
fodder - furu (s.9) difuru (pl.10)
fog - mohodi
fold - mena
folk-tale - tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10)
follow (v.) - hlahlama
follow (v.) - latela
following day - letsatsi le hlahlamang (s.5)
food - dijo (10)
foodstuff - sejo (s.9) dijo (pl.10)
foot - leoto (s.5) maoto (pl.6)
footstep - mohato (s.3) mehato (pl.4)
forage - furu (s.9) difuru (pl.10)
force (v.) - hapeletsa
force oneself (v.) - ikgapeletsa
forefinger - monwana o supang
forehead - phatla (s.9) diphatla (pl.10)
forest - moru (s.3) meru (pl.4)
forest - sekgwa (s.7) dikgwa (pl.8)
forget (v.) - lebala
forgot (I nearly ...) (v.) - ke batlile ke lebala
forgot (v.) - lebetse
fork - fereko (s.9) difereko (pl.10)
form (n.) - sebopeho (s.7) dibopeho (pl.8)
form (v.) - thea
fortunate - lehlohonolo
fortunately - ka lehlohonolo
fortune - lefa (s.5) mafa (pl.6)
forty - mashome a mane
fought - lwanne
found (be ...) (v.) - fumanwa
found (has ...) (v.) - fumane
found (v.) - theha
found out (v.) - lemohile
foundation - motheo (s.3) metheo (pl.4)
founder - mothei (s.1) bathei (pl.2)
fountain - sediba (s.7) didiba (pl.8)
fountain (at the ...) - sedibeng
four - nne
fourteen - leshome le metso e mene
fourth - bone
fowl - kgoho (s.9) dikgoho (pl.10)
France - Fora
freedom - bolokolohi
freedom - tokoloho
freeway - mmilalebelo
French language / culture - Sefora
frequently - atisa ho
frequently - hangata
Friday - Labohlano
fridge - sehatsetsi (s.7) dihatsetsi (pl.8)
friend - mokgotsi (s.1) bakgotsi (pl.2)
friend - molekane (s.1) balekane (pl.2)
friend - motswalle (s.3) metswalle (pl.4)
friend (my ...) - ngwaneso (s.1) banabeso (pl.2)
friendliness - molemo (s.3) melemo (pl.4)
friendly (adv.) - hamolemo
friendly (be ...) (v.) - tlwaeleha
friendly man - ramosa (s.1) boramosa (pl.2)
friendly woman - mmamosa (s.1) bommamosa (pl.2)
friends (intimate ...) - mathe le leleme
friendship - bolekane (s.14)
friendship - botswalle (s.14)
friendship - setwalle (s.7) ditswalle (pl.8)
frog - nketu
frog - senqanqane (s.7) dinqanqane (pl.8)
from time immemorial - ha esale
from time immemorial - ho tlohela kgale-kgale
front - pele
front (in) - ka pele
frost - serame
full (become ...) - tlala
full (is ...) - tletse
future tense - lekgathe le tlang

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